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pure oxygen中文是什么意思

用"pure oxygen"造句"pure oxygen"怎么读"pure oxygen" in a sentence


  • 纯氧


  • We ' ll be right back with more " pure oxygen .
  • Announcer : we ' re back with more " pure oxygen ,
  • Using pressure in jest 99 pure oxygen
  • Inhalation of pure oxygen at atmospheric pressure or less can cause pulmonary irritation and edema after 24 hours
    在大气压或更低气压下吸入纯氧, 24小时后会导致肺刺激和水肿。
  • Adrian : yeah , like at the end . i bet he was breathing in pure oxygen before he tried to break that record
  • When pure oxygen is inhaled at pressures greater than 2 or 3 atmospheres , a characteristic neurological syndrome can be observed
  • A . the solubility of pure oxygen in water is much higher than air because pure oxygen ( 98 % oxygen ) has a much higher partial pressure than air , which is only 21 % oxygen
    答:因为含98 %氧的纯氧的氧分压,比只含21 %氧的空气的氧分压大得多,因此纯氧在水中的的溶解度比空气大得多,因此是比较稳定的,在土壤和水中不容易脱离。
  • The main products are oxygen , medical oxygen , pure oxygen , nitrogen , pure nitrogen , high grade pure nitrogen , pure argon , high grade pure argon , electrical light argon , carbon dioxide and argon mixtrues , air etc
  • Due to its excellently chemical and thermal stability , mechanical properties and nearly pure oxygen ionic conductivity , yttria - stabilized zirconia ( ysz ) has been actively investigated and applied in widely technical fields
    钇稳定的氧化锆( ysz ) ,由于其特别优异的化学及热稳定性、力学性能,和几乎纯的氧离子导电性,而被广泛研究和应用。
  • A series of standard solution made up with standard substance of sodium carbonate , and combusted in a high - frequency induction furnace with pure oxygen , and the amount of total carbon was measured by infrared absorption
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"pure oxygen"造句  


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